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Weather Website

YashkShrivas4491's github profile

This project is about building a web application to show a weather forecast using weather API from external services Open weather map

Portfolio site

vaibhav-xt's github profile

A portfolio project showcases an individual's or a professional's work, skills, and accomplishments in a concise and visually appealing manner to demonstrate their expertise and attract potential opportunities.

Digital Agency Landing Page

Stroller15's github profile

Build digital media agency landing page template using html, css, javascript.

Tindog E-Commerece website

Kumudhaart's github profile

Tindog website is a E-Commerce Website for dog lovers.Tinndog website is user freindly and responsive

Quiz App

blindaks's github profile

A quiz app based on front wnd development questions.


pranshu05's github profile

Elpha is a verified discord bot made with discord.js and hosted on Railway. Its development aims to make server moderation easier


parasss19's github profile

A ming-googling guessing game. Computer genarate random number between 1 to 100 and you have to two choices Easy and Hard to guess it in minimum number of attempts

Book Recommendation System

Sakhi29's github profile

A book recommendation system using content and collaborative filtering based techniques with good frontend using Flask


komalioruganti's github profile

A bot that generates text and images for the given prompts.

Drag and Drop

Deepanshu0703's github profile

This is a drag and drop app made using html,css and javascript. You can drag and drop the boxes to change their position.